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Boris Continuum Complete 9.0.2

  1. Boris Continuum 12
  2. Boris Continuum Complete 10
CompleteBoris red

Boris Continuum Complete 9.0.2 FxPlug k.zip - Upload, Share & Earn Moneyvar WEBROOT = 'translation function./function t(key)l = 'home':'home', 'bannedwordsurls':'banned words / urls', 'adminusers':'admin users', 'bannedips':'banned ips', 'sitesettings':'site settings', 'languages':'languages', 'logout':'logout', 'languagedetails':'Language Details', 'areyousureyouwanttoremovethisipban':'Are you sure you want to remove this IP ban?' , 'areyousureupdateuserstatus':'Are you sure you want to update the status of this user?' , 'view':'view', 'disable':'disable', 'enable':'enable', 'areyousureremovebannedword':'Are you sure you want to remove this banned word?' , 'ipaddressinvalidtryagain':'IP address appears to be invalid, please try again.' , 'ipaddressalreadyblocked':'IP address is already in the blocked list.' , 'errorproblemrecord':'There was a problem inserting/updating the record, please try again later.' , 'bannedwordalreadyinlist':'Banned word is already in the list.'

Boris Continuum 12

, 'languagealreadyinsystem':'Language already in the system.' , 'usernamelengthinvalid':'Username must be between 6-16 characters long.' , 'passwordlengthinvalid':'Password must be between 6-16 characters long.' , 'enterfirstname':'Please enter the firstname.' , 'enterlastname':'Please enter the lastname.'

, 'enteremailaddress':'Please enter the email address.' , 'enteredemailaddressinvalid':'The email address you entered appears to be invalid.' , 'copyright':'Copyright', 'support':'Support', 'adminpanel':'Admin Panel', 'loggedinas':'Logged in as', 'bannedipsintro':'To ban an IP Address or delete any existing ones below', 'bannedipsaddbannedip':'Add banned IP address', 'remove':'remove', 'ipaddress':'IP Address', 'banfrom':'Ban From', 'notes':'Notes', 'addbannedip':'Add Banned IP', 'errorsubmittingform':'There was an error submitting the form, please try again later.' , 'enteripaddressdetails':'Enter IP Address details', 'bannedtermsintro':'To ban an word within the original url or delete any existing ones below', 'addbannedterm':'Add banned word', 'bannedterm':'Banned Word', 'datebanned':'Date Banned', 'bannotes':'Ban Notes', 'action':'Action', 'enterbannedtermdetails':'Enter Banned Word details', 'dashboardintro':'Use the main navigation above to manage this site. A quick overview of the site can be seen below', 'dashboardgraphlast14daystitle':'New Files (last 14 days)', 'dashboardgraphlast12monthstitle':'New Files (last 12 months)', 'urls':'Urls', 'active':'active', 'disabled':'disabled', 'spam':'spam', 'expired':'expired', 'dashboardtotalactiveurls':'Total active files', 'dashboardtotaldisabledurls':'Total disabled files', 'dashboardtotalvisitstoallurls':'Total downloads to all files', 'itemname':'Item Name', 'value':'Value', 'managelanguagesintro2':'Manage the available content for the selected language. Click on any of the 'Translated Content' cells to edit the value.' , 'managelanguagesintro1':'Select a language to manage.

Boris Continuum Complete 10

NOTE Once translated, to set the site default language go to the area.' , 'languagekey':'Language Key', 'defaultcontent':'Default Content', 'translatedcontent':'Translated Content', 'nochangesindemomode':'Error Changes to this section can not be made within demo mode.'

, 'manageotherlanguages':'Manage other languages', 'noavailablecontent':'There is no available content.'